Early Logical Empiricism and the Contributions of Female Philosophers
AbstractPresented at:
- Research Colloquium (invited), TiLPS, Tilburg University, 2024-10-10.
Wittgenstein’s Influence on Carnap’s Conception of an Inductive Logic
AbstractWith respect to (1) and (2), Carnap explicitly mentions his influence from Ludwig Wittgenstein. They met for the first time in person on June 20, 1927, in Vienna. Carnap noted about Wittgenstein’s personality in his diary: “In the evening to Schlick; there Waismann and Wittgenstein (for the first time); very interesting, original, likeable person. […] Artistic nature. […] He always takes an intuitive position quickly, and only then thinks about it to justify it” (Carnap, Diaries, 1920-1935, my translation). Regarding (2), he wrote in his Aufbau: “Through conversations in Schlick’s circle in Vienna and through the influence of Wittgenstein’s ideas [the basis of my book] developed into the mode of thought which characterized the ‘Vienna Circle’.” (Carnap, Aufbau, preface to the 2nd edition). Regarding (1), we find in his autobiography the following claims: “For me personally, Wittgenstein was perhaps the philosopher who, besides Russell and Frege, had the greatest influence on my thinking. The most important insight I gained from his work was the conception that the truth of logical statements is based only on their logical structure and on the meaning of the terms. […] Another influential idea of Wittgenstein’s was the insight that many philosophical sentences, especially in traditional metaphysics, are pseudosentences” (Carnap, Autobiography, 1963).
Whether there was also some influence with respect to (3), can be doubted. However, with respect to (4), there seems to be also relevant influence. This presentation addresses this question about Wittgenstein’s influence on Carnap’s account of inductive logic. In the previous quote, we find already a hint about Wittgenstein’s influence regarding the purely formal understanding of logic. Carnap pushed the boundaries of what we consider as “logical” further and incorporated also inductive reasoning into its domain. In doing so, he relied on several propositional notions that he took from Waismann’s treatment of probability. Waismann, in turn, based his thinking on that of Wittgenstein. The presentation works out the details of the underlying chain of thoughts.
Presented at:
- Reconsideration of Wittgenstein’s Cultural Background and Contex (contributed), Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2024-09-22.
Rudolf Carnap’s Approach to the Problem of Induction
AbstractPresented at:
- Reasoning in Science and Metaphysics (invited), Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, 2024-08-01.
- SSHAP 2024 (contributed), Conference at the University of Connecticut, Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy, 2024-06-29.
- Philosophy of Science Colloquium (invited), Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna, 2024-03-14.
- Research Seminar (invited), DCLPS, University of Düsseldorf, 2023-11-14.
Abductive Knowledge vs. Abductive Preference
AbstractPresented at:
- 17th Basic Biology Study Group 2024 (contributed), University of Aizu, 2024-09-03.
- Inductive Metaphysics: Insights, Challenges and Prospects (contributed), University of Düsseldorf, 2023-08-10.
- Rhine-Ruhr Epistemology Meeting 2023 (invited), University of Bonn, 2023-06-01.
- Alexander Bird’s Knowing Science – Author Meets Critics (invited), University of Cologne, 2022-07-01.
From Reduction to Unification: The Case of Cultural Evolutionary Psychology
(Joint work with Karim Baraghith)
AbstractPresented at:
- GAP.11: Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP) (contributed), HU Berlin, 2022-09-14.
- GWP.2022: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), TU Berlin, 2022-08-16.
Patchwork Approaches to Concepts and Different Scales
(Joint work with Philipp Haueis)
AbstractPatchwork approaches include scale to account for the “tyranny of scales”, i.e. the fact that many entities display different properties or behaviors at characteristic spatial, temporal or kinetic scales (Batterman 2013, Wilson 2017, Bursten 2018). However, this literature leaves important questions unanswered: (1) When does a change of scale generate a novel meaning? (2) Besides reliability, homogeneity and significance, what specific constraint governs concepts which have multiple scale-dependent uses? (3) And how can we relate multiple scale-dependent uses rigorously to one another?
We answer (1) by claiming that a change in scale changes the meaning of a term if there are different discernible regularities about the behavior of the entities. Though not every change of scale in scientific inquiry changes the meaning of a concept, scientific concepts which change their meaning in a scale-dependent manner allow researchers to express more regularities about epistemically significant properties (construed as behaviors of entities but also as dispositions, mechanisms, or quantities).
We answer (2) by introducing the matching constraint: the precision of a technique should match the scale at which an entity displays a property of epistemic significance. This constraint further clarifies the role of techniques in investigating scale-dependent properties and links scale changes to the epistemic goals associated with a patchwork concept. Measurement techniques need to be spatially precise enough to distinguish between two entities at the same scale, and temporally/energetically precise enough to capture regularities of the entities’ behavior that researchers aim to describe, classify or explain.
To answer (3), we link the notion of scale in the patchwork literature to scales in the theory of measurement, such as the nominal, the ordinal, and the cardinal scale. This allows us to use measurement theoretical principles such as the construction of equivalence classes to bridge concepts among different measurement theoretical scales. Using “temperature” as example, our working hypothesis is that the quantitative (the temperature of x), the comparative (x is warmer than y), and the qualitative (x is warm) level can be construed as patches. Relating measurement theoretical scales thus may also be subject to the above-mentioned constraints of reliability, homogeneity, significance, and matching.
Presented at:
- GWP.2022: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), TU Berlin, 2022-08-16.
Suppositional Reasoning. Its Logic and Causal Structure
(Joint work with Alexander Gebharter)
AbstractPresented at:
- Logic and its Philosophy (invited), University of Duesseldorf, Online, 2022-01-14.
Ontology and Ideology Conceptually Revisited: Carving at the joints and worldly conceptual engineering
AbstractPresented at:
- Research Seminar of the Department of Philosophy (contributed), University of Cologne, 2021-11-02.
- Research Seminar of the DCLPS (invited), University of Duesseldorf, 2021-10-26.
Reductionism in the Philosophy of Science and the Problem of Mental Properties
(Joint work with Maria Sekatskaya)
AbstractAlthough, historically speaking, logical empiricists such as Carnap and Herbert Feigl took the case of psychological theorizing as a paradigm case for discussing scientific reductions, it seems that the discussions in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of mind have diverged quite a bit and lost relevant points of interaction. In this talk, we outline a framework for better interrelating the discussions. We propose a mapping of different accounts in the philosophy of mind based on the three types of scientific reduction explained above. We argue that eliminativism, particularly type- and token identity theories of the mental, are versions of reductions in the sense of explicit definability, whereas functionalism can be framed as a form of reduction by the help of bilateral reduction sentences: functional definitions of the mental are coarse-grained, similarly to dispositions in the bilateral reductive accounts in the philosophy of science. The latter fact is not very surprising: historically, early dispositionalists can also be seen as both functionalists and physicalists (Ryle 1949; Smart 1959); the controversy between functionalism and reductive physicalism arises only at a later stage (cf.: Block 1978), and is argued against in contemporary approaches (Clapp 2001). Our grouping together of eliminativism, type identity, and token identity theories as three different versions of reduction as explicit definability is presumably more surprising, since type- and token identity theorists are realists, and eliminativists are anti-realists about the mental. We will argue that their respective realism or anti-realism comes not from the different form of reduction employed, but from a different interpretation of ontological consequences of explicit definability. Finally, we tentatively argue that supervenience accounts of the mental can be framed as either accounts of explicit definability or as accounts of reduction by empirical confirmability.
Presented at:
- ECAP11: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (contributed), ESAP, Vienna, 2023-08-25.
- Research Colloquium (invited), University of Duesseldorf, 2023-05-15.
- Research Colloquium (invited), University of Duisburg-Essen, 2023-01-31.
- GAP.11: Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP) (contributed), HU Berlin, 2022-09-14.
- (Non-)Reductionism in the Metaphysics of Mind (invited), University of Salzburg, 2022-09-08.
- GWP.2022: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), TU Berlin, 2022-08-16.
- Inductive Methods in Ethics, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Mind (invited), Saint Petersburg State University, Online, 2021-10-01.
Epistemic Engineering: The interplay of meta-induction and abduction in the justification of laws of nature
(Joint work with Gerhard Schurz)
AbstractIn this talk, we argue that the objection can be addressed by the help of a principle of cognitive coherence and a weak inductive uniformity assumption. Whereas the former principle seems to be fundamental, we argue that the latter can be justified by the help of abductive reasoning. We indicate how abductive reasoning can be justified in a “meta-abductive” way and outline what effect such an approach has for the justification of laws of nature.
Presented at:
- New Work on Induction and Abduction (contributed), Düsseldorf, Online, 2021-09-30.
AI for a Social World — A Social World for AI
AbstractPresented at:
- Of People and Code (invited), University of Lisbon, 2024-11-28.
- Ringvorlesung (invited) of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, 2021-11-02.
- Research Seminar (invited) of the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center, University of Tübingen, 2021-04-21.
Unification and Explanation: A causal perspective
(Joint work with Alexander Gebharter)
AbstractPresented at:
- BSPS 2021: The Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (contributed), BSPS, Online, 2021-07-08.
- PSA 2020: Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) (contributed), PSA, Baltimore, 2021-11-12.
- ECAP10: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (contributed), ESAP, Utrecht, 2020-08-25.
Carnap on the Mind-Body Problem and Non-Classical Reductionism
AbstractPresented at:
- Volitions, Intentions and Mental Causation (invited), Saint Petersburg State University, 2020-11-30.
Causal Inference in Evidence-Based Policy. A tale of three monsters and how to defeat them
(Joint work with Alexander Gebharter)
AbstractPresented at:
- Public Fellowship Lecture (invited), IMTO University, Saint Petersburg, 2020-10-02.
The Many Faces of Generalizing the Theory of Evolution
(Joint work with Karim Baraghith)
AbstractPresented at:
- DGPhil.2020/21 (contributed), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2021-09-08.
- Thinking about the Cultural Evolution of Thinking (contributed), University of Duesseldorf: Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS), 2021-01-22.
- Science as a Public Good (contributed), Saint Petersburg State University: Russian Society for History and
Philosophy of Science (RSHPS), 2020-11-28.
Abductive Conceptual Engineering
AbstractPresented at:
- Kyoto Workshop on Formal Epistemology (invited), Kyoto University, 2024-07-09.
- CONCEPT Brown Bag Seminar (invited), University of Cologne, 2021-06-30.
- DCLPS Research Seminar (invited), University of Duesseldorf, 2021-06-29.
- 4th TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop (contributed), Tilburg University, 2020-12-14.
- Lunchtime Talk: Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (invited), Pittsburgh, 2020-01-17.
Modeling Creative Abduction Bayes Net Style
(Joint work with Alexander Gebharter)
AbstractPresented at:
- EPSA19: Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) (contributed), EPSA, Geneva, 2019-09-13.
- CLMPST16: 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (contributed), DLMPST, Prague, 2019-08-09.
- PSA 2018: Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) (contributed), PSA, Seattle, 2018-11-02.
- Concept Formation in the Natural and the Social Sciences (contributed), Philosophy Department at the University of Zurich, Zurich, 2018-10-19.
- MuST 2018: Munich-Sydney-Tilburg/Turin Conference on Models of Explanation (contributed), Center for Logic, Language and Cognition (LLC), Turin, 2018-06-12.
Simplifying Simplicity
AbstractPresented at:
- CLMPST16: 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (contributed), DLMPST, Prague, 2019-08-08.
- Understanding Defectiveness in the Sciences (contributed), Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 2019-06-03.
- Simplicities and Complexities (contributed), The Epistemology of the LHC, Bonn, 2019-05-22.
- GWP.2019: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), GWP, Cologne, 2019-02-26.
Confirmation Based on Analogical Inference. Bayes meets Jeffrey
(Joint work with Alexander Gebharter)
AbstractPresented at:
- Research Colloquium (invited), Research Group “From Perception to Belief and Back Again”, Bochum, 2021-07-06.
- BSPS 2019: The Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (contributed), BSPS, Durham, 2019-07-19.
- Analogical Reasoning in Science and Mathematics (contributed), MCMP, Munich, 2018-10-27.
- Issues in Medical Epistemology (contributed), CONCEPT – Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, Cologne, 2017-12-15.
An Optimality-Argument for Equal Weighting
AbstractPresented at:
- Joint Session: The Open Session (contributed), Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Durham, 2019-07-21.
- Social Epistemology and Joint Action in Science (contributed), University of Salzburg, Workshop organised by the Düsseldorf Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (DCLPS), 2014-09-04.
Meta-Abduction. Inference to the best prediction
AbstractPresented at:
- IACAP 2019: Conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) (contributed), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 2019-06-06.
Meta-, Anti-, Induction
AbstractPresented at:
- LLMs and Philosophy (contributed), Kanazawa University, 2024-09-28.
- IACAP 2019: Conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) (contributed), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 2019-06-06.
- Research Seminar (invited) of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP, LMU Munich), Munich, 2019-05-15.
Citizen Science and Social Responsibility
(Joint work with Alexander Christian)
AbstractIn this paper, we address the question of such an influence in two steps. First, we map the various ways in which laypersons can contribute to research processes; in order to do so, we distinguish several “parameters” relevant for such an interaction as, e.g., the epistemic and civic context, an underlying axiology, different agential roles, and various degrees of expertise. This allows us to draw a clear picture of several interaction-possibilities between science and society and prepares the ground for focusing on particular types of such interactions. In a second step, we discuss whether there is historical and contemporary evidence that in particular types of participation of laypersons in different areas of research processes fosters moral awareness and motivation to accept social responsibilities among scientists. By examining autobiographies and biographies of scientists (e.g. Archibald Cochrane) and systematically reviewing the literature on the association between the change of moral awareness and motivation of professional agents and the participation of laypersons in research we aim to substantiate the following thesis: A quite important and up to now only rarely investigated benefit of citizen science is that the participation of laypersons in research processes unintendedly and subtly fosters well-ordered science. This concerns particularly the mapping of societal preferences in research agendas and the consideration of nonscientific values in restricting research methods (cf. Kitcher 2001, Kitcher 2011). Yet different to approaches relying on institutionalized discourse situations bridging epistemic differences between laypersons and professional agents, citizen science brings about well-ordered science by mere participation of laypersons, their agency and the perception of laypersons as quasi-peers.
Joint slides presented by Alexander Christian at:
- Citizen Science: New epistemoogical, ethical and political challenges (contributed), Université Jean-Moulin: IDEX, Lyon, 2019-07-06.
Transcendental Deduction as Abduction
AbstractPresented at:
- Return of the Kantians: Kant and Contemporary Epistemology. (contributed), CONCEPT – Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, Cologne, 2019-05-31.
- The Possibility of Metaphysics: Between Inductive, Analytic, and Transcendental Arguments (contributed), DCLPS, Düsseldorf, 2019-02-01.
Newton’s Abductive Methodology. A Critique on Duhem, Feyerabend, and Lakatos
AbstractAn argument of Duhem, Feyerabend, and Lakatos aims to provide a theoretical reason why Newton could not have come up with his theory of the Principia in accordance with his own abductive methodology: Since Newton’s starting point, Kepler’s laws, contradict the law of universal gravitation, he could not have applied the so-called method of analysis and synthesis. In this paper, this argument is examined with reference to the Principia’s several editions. Newton’s method is characterized, and necessary general background assumptions of the argument are made explicit. Finally, the argument is criticized based on a contemporary philosophy of science point of view.
Presented at:
- Science as a Public Good (contributed), Saint Petersburg State University: Russian Society for History and
Philosophy of Science (RSHPS), 2020-11-28. - ISRHPS 2018: Conference of the Israel Society for History and Philosophy of Science (contributed), The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, 2018-06-10.
Success-Based Inheritance in Cultural Evolution
(Joint work with Karim Baraghith)
AbstractPresented at:
- The Generalized Theory of Evolution (contributed), DCLPS, Düsseldorf, 2018-02-01.
- NNPS 2017: Meeting of the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science (contributed), NNPS, Copenhagen, 2017-04-21.
Abductive Philosophy and Error
AbstractPresented at:
- Williamson on Abductive Philosophy (contributed), Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy, Vienna, 2017-10-07.
The Synchronized Aggregation of Beliefs and Probabilities
AbstractWe are going to expand the investigation of stability preservation to several further doxastic systems, as, e.g., theories of justification (Dutch book arguments, quantitatively and qualitatively), theories of higher order evidence, and also debates concerning how to adequately aggregate qualitative belief sets, on the one hand, and degrees of belief, on the other. Regarding the latter, several constraints on opinion pooling and social choice are discussed in the literature centering on Arrow’s (1950) impossibility results and similar results regarding qualitative beliefs, shown by List and Pettit (2002). Given this debate, it is quite natural to ask whether qualitative and quantitative aggregation can be performed in a “synchronized” way. We will show some possibility as well as impossibility results regarding the constraint of stability preservation in social context of opinion pooling and judgement aggregation.
Presented at:
- XXIV. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie (contributed), DGPhil, Berlin, 2017-09-25.
- European Epistemology Network (EEN) 2016 (contributed), EHESS: Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS, Paris, 2016-07-06.
- GWP.2016: Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP) (contributed), GWP, Düsseldorf, 2016-03-09.
Probability Aggregation and Optimal Scoring
This talk received the Best Presentation Award in the series Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science at KI2020.Abstract
Presented at:
- KI2020: 43rd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (contributed), Bamberg, 2020-09-21.
- ECAP9: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (contributed), ESAP, Munich, 2017-08-26.
- Joint Session: The Open Session (contributed), Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Edinburgh, 2017-07-15.
Lockean Thesis and Non-Probabilism
AbstractPresented at:
- International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (contributed), SILFS, Bologna, 2017-06-21.
Yet Another Argument Against Preemption
AbstractPresented at:
- The Epistemology of Expert Judgment (invited), Department of Philosophy of the University of Cologne, Cologne, 2023-10-19.
- Believing on Authority (invited), Department of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 2017-05-22.
The Struggle for Epistemic Superiority in Medical Research
(Joint work with Alexander Christian)
AbstractIn philosophy of science and research ethics is a tendency to treat institutional responses to corrupting influences as pro-/reactive measures which are installed to secure the integrity of research. We will reconstruct recent rearrangements of epistemic authorities in medical and pharmaceutical research in terms of conflicting regimes (e.g., Gibbons et al, 1994) and their struggle for epistemic superiority. We first present recent changes in medical research like the introduction of clinical trial registries and the codification of corresponding guidelines in medical journals. Our thesis is that the broad concept of epistemic regimes provides a fruitful framework, since it allows for the inclusion of a socio-political perspective on changing of collectives in academia, industry, and public authorities.
Presented at:
- 4S/EASST BCN-2016 (contributed), 4S/EASST, Barcelona, 2016-09-01.
An Historical and Systematic Sketch of the Debate about Values in Science
AbstractIn this contribution a historical and systematic sketch of the debate about values in science will be given. Then the main arguments of the third phase will be explicated. Finally, the role of the workshop’s topics on decisions under risk in areas of public interest as, e.g., climate-, food- and geosciences as well as medicine will be systematically pointed out.
Presented at:
- Workshop: Risk Assessment and Values in Science (contributed), DCLPS, Salzburg, 2015-09-02.
- Objectivity in Science (contributed), TiLPS, Tilburg, 2015-06-10.
- PhD-Symposium of the Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP) (contributed), ÖGP, Innsbruck, 2014-12-05.
- Tagung für Praktische Philosophie (contributed), International Research Center Salzburg, Salzburg, 2014-11-13.
Epistemic Normativity of Social Reliabilism
AbstractPresented at:
- GAP.9: Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP) (contributed), GAP, Osnabrück, 2015-09-15.
- SOPhiA 2015: Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (contributed) University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 2015-09-04.
- JustGroningen (contributed), Department of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, Groningen, 2015-08-22.
- The Odds for Bayesianism (contributed), University of Vienna, 2015-05-28.
- Norms of Reasoning (invited), Department of Philosophy of the University of Bochum, Bochum, 2014-09-23.
- ECAP8: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (contributed), ESAP, Bucharest, 2014-08-29.
- Research Seminar (invited) of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bremen, Bremen, 2014-05-08.
A Conventional Foundation of Logic
AbstractPresented at:
- SLMFCE VIII: Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (contributed), SLMFCE, Barcelona, 2015-07-07.
- Conference of the Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP) (contributed), ÖGP, Innsbruck, 2015-06-06.
- Formal Methods in Science and Philosophy (contributed), Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, 2015-03-26.
Weak Predictivism, Ad hoc Modification, and Intervention
AbstractPresented at:
- Workshop with Christopher Hitchcock (invited), DCLPS, Düsseldorf, 2015-04-24.
Automatic Metaphor Interpretation
(Joint work with Laurenz Hudetz)
AbstractPresented at:
- Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) (contributed), AISB at University of Kent, Canterbury, 2015-04-21.
- SOPhiA 2013: Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy (contributed) University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 2013-09-12.
The Gene-Meme-Analogy in Cultural Evolutionary Theory
Abstract* Imitable entities: Memes are all things that are capable of being imitated (Dawkins and Blackmore).
* Information: Memes are acquired information, also storable outside of the brain, as, e.g., in books and computers (Dennett).
* Brain dispositions: Memes are dispositions of the brain to store (represent) information and cause behaviour (Schurz).
* Brain software: Memes are software parts of the brain (Dawkins)
* Neuromemes: Memes are electrochemical states of multiple neurons, so-called ‘neuromemes’, i.e. configurations in one node of a neuronal network that is able to induce the replication of its state in other nodes (Aunger)
So, one may wonder how by such a diverse understanding of the basic notion of cultural evolutionary theory one could expect some fruitful and interesting results of this theory.
In this talk it is shown by a formal investigation of the gene-meme-analogy that—although there is much diversity in the usage of this notion by Dennett et al.—there is also a core meaning (namely ‘reproducibility’ and ‘adequate variability’) in these diverse usages which allows one to subsume the different investigations to one research programme of cultural evolution. It is also indicated that the diversity of meanings of the meme-concept fits into the current state of establishing this analogy and that as one main consequence of this fact one best considers the meme-approach to cultural evolution as a very general and only heuristical framework for more detailed investigations of, e.g., complexity theory etc.
Presented at:
- Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2014 with Daniel Dennett (contributed), Department of Philosophy of the University of Bochum, Bochum, 2014-03-12.
- Research Seminar (contributed) of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2013-06-11.
On the Inductive Validity of Conclusions by Analogies
AbstractThomas Nagel claimed that it is in principle impossible to construct a measure for confirmation where a multiplicity of factors is involved since such a measure should allow us to order hypotheses linearly according to their increasing confirmational influence. But for the plurality of factors involved, a linear ordering is impossible (cf. Nagel 1939, pp.68–70).
Rudolf Carnap replied to this critique with the claim that if one is able to provide a numerical measurement for each of these factors, then it might be possible to construct a function ‘that would take some weighted average of the values determined, and which would yield a unique number as the final degree of confirmation [… like] a professor’s task of devising an adequate numerical grading system for students in his class. The professor also considers a number of distinct ‘factors’: hour examinations, papers and the final test.’ (cf. Achinstein 1963, p.208) With his research programme on logical probabilities Carnap tried to provide such a measure for the role analogies play in the confirmation of a hypothesis by some evidence (cf. Carnap 1950). Although he succeeded in showing that so-called ‘perfect analogies’ have confirmational power, he failed in showing that something similar holds also for imperfect analogies (roughly put: in the case of an imperfect analogy there are some counterexamples to mainly positive instances). In a series of papers many probabilistic confirmation-theorists tried to solve this problem (cf., e.g., Hesse 1964, Hesse 1966, Achinstein 1963, Niiniluoto 1981), but in the eye of many philosophers of science their tryings turned down the research programme of logical probabilities to a degenerative research programme (cf., e.g., Spohn 1981).
In this talk the cornerstones, main principles and failings of this development are presented in a historical overview. An alternative justification of the inductive validity of conclusions by analogies is then outlined within the framework of non-classical (transitive) confirmation-theory.
Presented at:
- PhD-Symposium of the Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP) (contributed), ÖGP, Innsbruck, 2013-11-28.
Diversity, Meta-Induction, and the Wisdom of the Crowd
AbstractSo, at first glance it seems that meta-inductive methods are valuable for their own sake, but not for the sake of a whole group of methods’ performance. For this reason Paul Thorn and Gerhard Schurz investigated recently the influence of meta-inductive methods on the performance of a group in more detail. Since there are no general results about this influence in a broad setting, they performed simulations for quite specific settings. The main result of their argumentation and simulations is that ‘it is not generally recommendable to replace independent strategies by meta-inductive ones, but only to enrich them’ (cf. Thorn & Schurz 2012).
In this paper a complementary summary of the mentioned investigation on meta-induction and the wisdom of the crowd effect is provided. In especially it is shown that, whereas meta-inductive methods allow one to account for the traditional problem of induction by making a step to a meta level, investigations of social epistemology, which make a similar step to a meta level by using a wisdom of the crowd effect, are able to account similarly for object level problems as, e.g., the problem of how to deal with peer disagreement. In situations where both problems and solutions get together, the new problem of how meta-inductive methods influence the group’s performance arises. With the help of simulations in a setting where especially diversity is highly influential, we will take a complementary view at this problem. Among the simulations is also a case of Paul Feyerabend’s diversity argument, claiming that progress in science is sometimes possible only via diversity in or plurality of theories and methods (cf. Feyerabend 1993, p.21, p.107). Also more general simulations of investigations about the importance of diversity in order to justify some kinds of positive discrimination or diversity in interdisciplinarial research on cost of average competence will be modelled in the meta-inductivistic framework and investigated in detail.
Presented at:
- International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (contributed), SILFS, Rome, 2014-06-20.
- EPSA13: Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (contributed), EPSA, Helsinki, 2013-08-29.
- BSPS 2013: The Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (contributed), BSPS, Exeter, 2013-07-05.
Concept Formation and Reduction by Analogies
AbstractAnalogies are frequently used in scientific explanations and descriptions. Indicators for analogical reasoning are comparing phrases like ‘similar as’, ‘likewise’ and ‘analogically’. A prototypic analogy that is discussed often in philosophy of science is that one established between the concepts of fluid physics and the concepts of electromagnetism: in order to explain some concepts of electromagnetism often interrelations between these two different areas are stressed. So, e.g., one can describe potential difference by the help of pressure difference in a pipe filled with liquid. It will be shown that many kinds of such analogies bear some important features of contextual definitions and by this allow one to expand the classical reductionistic frame also to reductions by analogies.
With the help of a detailed investigation of some further examples, e.g. the gene-meme analogy, it is hoped to achieve some new clarifying insights into the conceptual and argumentative usage of analogies.
Presented at:
- European Conference on Argumentation (contributed), Argumentation Lab, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015-06-11.
- The Role of Analogies in Argumentative Discourse (contributed), Faculty of Lettres of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, 2013-05-04.
- Research Seminar (contributed) of Pro Scientia, Salzburg, 2013-04-10.
- Research Seminar (invited) of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2012-06-19.
- PhD-Symposion of the Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP) (contributed), ÖGP, Salzburg, 2012-05-18.
- ECAP 7: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (contributed), ESAP, Milan, 2011-09-05.
Is Mereology Ontologically Innocent? Well, it depends …
AbstractRecent discussions of the thesis of ontological innocence, e.g. (Yi 1999) and (Cameron 2007), come to a negative result, that is, undermine it. In our presentation we are going to demonstrate that an adequate answer to the question whether this thesis holds relies crucially on the underlying theory of reference. There are two types of theories of reference: (a) theories of single reference as, for example, provided in classical formal semantics, and (b) theories of plural reference. Theories of plural reference can be subdivided into (b1) theories of plural predication as, for example, established by the founder of mereology Stanisław Lesniewski (1929) and (b2) theories of plural quantification as effectively introduced by (Boolos 1984). Our investigation will show that the thesis of ontological innocence of mereology holds fully in the framework of (b2), partly in the framework of (b1) and not at all in the framework of (a). So our answer to the question whether mereology is ontologically innocent will be: well, it depends on your theory of reference.
Presented at:
- International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (contributed), SILFS, Milan, 2012-11-20.
- The Character of the Current Philosophy and its Methods (9th) (contributed), Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2012-03-02.
Popper and Feyerabend on Ad-Hoc Modifications and Confirmation
AbstractIn a second step we’ll reformulate a problem of such a characterization which was already posed by Adolf Grünbaum in 1976: for it can be shown that according to such a characterization no ‘repairing’ modification T2 of a falsified theory T1 (that is: T2 is a modification of T1 and for some fact e: T1 is falsified by e, but T2 is not falsified by e) is an ad-hoc-modification. Since very often theories are modified for falsificational or disconfirmational reasons, this is a very unwelcome result. But we will indicate that by a simple and plausible reformulation of the empirical content of a theory this problem of Feyerabend’s (and Popper’s) characterization can be solved.
In a third step we’ll consider Feyerabend’s discussion of examples of ad-hoc-modifications of the history of science, in especially Galileo Galilei’s physical theories. We’ll show that according to Feyerabend ad-hoc-modifications are sometimes necessary for the progress of a ‘successful’ research programme. But we will also show that this — in his view opposing position — is the traditional and common position within philosophy of science.
Presented at:
- Feyerabend 2012 (contributed), Department of Philosophy of the Humboldt-University Berlin, Berlin, 2012-09-26.
- XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie (contributed), DGPhil, Munich, 2011-09-15.
- 9th Conference of the Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP): Crossing Borders (contributed), ÖGP, Vienna, 2011-06-03.
- Die Wiederverzauberung der Welt? Technik zwischen Aufklärung, Fortschritt, Mythos und Magie (contributed, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2010-08-20.
Intergenerational Justice and the Nonidentity-Problem
AbstractPresented at:
- 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium (contributed), International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2012-08-06.
Language Dependence Redeflated
AbstractAn evaluation of theories is language dependent iff the evaluation leads to different results among synonymous theories. In detail: let > be a partial order for theory evaluation. Then > is language dependent iff there are T1,…,T4 such that T1 and T3 are synonymous and T2 and T4 are synonymous and it holds that T1>T2 and T4>T3. Note that two theories are called synonymous iff they have a common definitional extension.
Miller thinks that language independency is a condition of adequacy for theory evalution. In this talk it is tried to show that Miller’s use of the expression ‘T1 and T2 are synonymous’ is in a specific sense only a characterisation of the meaning of the expression ‘T1 and T2 can be extended to synonymous theories’ and that by this fact language independency in the described sense shouldn’t count as a condition of adequacy. For this purpose three reasons will be supplied:
First, an argument is sketched according to which language dependency in the Millerean sense allows one to map different degrees of probability to synonymous theories.
Second, it is tried to show that Miller’s adequacy condition is implausible in some cases where true (and not only false) theories are compared with respect to verisimilitude.
Third, it is indicated how Miller’s adequacy condition can be weakened in order to avoid the mentioned problems.
Presented at:
- BSPS 2012: The Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (contributed), BSPS, Stirling, 2012-07-06.
- Trends in Logic XI (contributed), Studia Logica, Bochum, 2012-06-04.
- Brüche, Brücken, Ambivalenzen. Trennendes und Verbindendes in der Philosophie (contributed), TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2009-09-10.
Religious Mind Identified as Collective Mind
Abstractor, more abstractly speaking, into a collective mind.
In this paper I’ll model religious people’s mind as such a collective mind. Religious people are therein identified by a set of degrees of belief containing religious and profane credence. So, e.g., within a religious context a person may be sure that some statement is true whereas the same person lacks non-religious support for such a credence and hence may doubt the truth of that statement within a profane context. A first adequacy result for this identification is provided with the help of a re-interpretation of the so-called Dutch Book argument which states that one’s degrees of belief should satisfy the axioms of probability theory. A feature of the given re-interpretation is its acceptability from a religious point of view.
Since in such modellings of human mind rationality is sometimes seen to be essential for personal identity, I try in a second step to extract some desiderata for the rationality of religious people’s mind from results on group identification (group agency). I will show that some parts of solutions to the so-called Discursive Dilemma are applicable to problems regarding the rationality of a person with religious and profane credence in disagreement.
Presented at:
- Me, myself, and I; Constructing and Re-constructing Identity (contributed), Classics Department of the University of Leeds, Leeds, 2012-06-06.
- Research Seminar (contributed) of Pro Scientia, Salzburg, 2012-05-02.
A Reliabilistic Justification of the Value of Knowledge
AbstractPresented at:
- 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium (contributed), International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2011-08-12.
One Dogma of Analyticism
AbstractPresented at:
- CLMPS14: 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (contributed), DLMPS, Nancy, 2011-07-20.
Formal Methods in Ethics – Exemplified in Democratized Morality
AbstractPresented at:
- The Character of the Current Philosophy and its Methods (8th) (contributed), Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2011-03-02.
Richard Dawkins’ ‘Main Argument’ from a Philosophy of Science Point of View
(Joint work with Albert J.J. Anglberger and Stefan H. Gugerell)
AbstractPresented at:
- Research Seminar (invited) of the Philosophical Society Salzburg, Salzburg, 2011-01-26.
An Optimality-Argument for Equal Weighting
This poster received the Best Poster Award of the GAP at GAP.10.Abstract
In this paper we want to present a new argument in favour of the equal weight view. A common argument for this view stems from a principle one might want to call the “principle of epistemic indifference”: If the epistemic attitudes of n individuals are, regarding their rational formation, epistemically indistinguishable (i.e. the individuals are epistemic peers), then each attitude should be assigned a weight of 1/n. However, as we will show, the equal weight view results from a more general approach of forming epistemic attitudes towards propositions in an optimal way. By this the argument for equal weighting can be massively strengthened from reasoning via indifference to reasoning from optimality.
Presented at:
- EPSA19: Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), EPSA, Geneva, 2019-09-11–2019-09-14.
- PSA 2018: Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA), PSA, Seattle, 2018-11-01–2018-11-04.
- GAP.10: Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP), GAP, Cologne, 2018-09-17–2018-09-20.
Meta-Induction as Opinion Pooling Dynamics
AbstractPresented at:
- OeAW Meeting 2014: Grant Award Ceremony of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), OeAW, Vienna, 2014-03-07.